Balcan Emergency Life Line – B.E.L.L.
The water rescue device line which outperforms all others.

What is the Balcan B.E.L.L?
Balcan Emergency Life Line (BELL)
The Balcan Emergency Life Line (B.E.L.L.) features a vibrant orange or yellow plastic capsule, containing a specially wound, buoyant, high-quality braided polypropylene line, available in lengths of either 25m or 40m. This emergency line is a single continuous length with no joins, engineered to tight tolerances, ensuring exceptional strength for its size! When in water, both the line and capsule float and are clearly visible.
To prevent the line from being pulled out of the capsule, one end is securely connected, while the other passes through the handle, forming a loop with a grip, and attaches to a blue cap to seal the stock.
IMPORTANT – Our line is one continuous length with no joins. It has come to our attention other lifesaving devices are compromised due to cords being joined. Doing so significantly reduces its breaking strain in some cases to just a few Kilos.
Useful links
About the Balcan B.E.L.L.
How is the B.E.L.L. used?
B.E.L.L. Applications
B.E.L.L. Storage Options
About the Balcan B.E.L.L.
Introduced in 1973, the Balcan Emergency Life Line (B.E.L.L.) marked a groundbreaking advancement in water rescue technology. It was the first water rescue line designed for use by individuals of all ages to throw with great accuracy up to its full length of 40 metres, without any preparation, much further than had previously been possible.
The B.E.L.L. quickly gained recognition as a significant improvement in lifesaving equipment, benefiting both professional and amateur users in rescuing individuals in water and elsewhere. It surpasses other lifesaving equipment, outperforming lifebuoys and throwbags in terms of speed of deployment, accuracy and distance.
To date, the Balcan Emergency Life Line – B.E.L.L. remains the supreme throwing line. The Royal Navy allocated all models with NATO Stock Numbers (NSNs). Used extensively by the UK Police Forces and other emergency services, and is standard issue for the Royal Navy in ribs.
Its principle is simple – the faster and easier the person in the water can be connected to a rescuer in a place of safety, the greater the chance of a recuse being achieved.

The Balcan Emergency life Line B.E.L.L. outperforms all other traditional water rescue devices.
The Balcan Emergency Life Line is capable of being thrown up to 40 metres (dependent on model) with accuracy in a force 4 wind. This distance outperforms the traditional life buoy and throwbag which is only capable of reaching 10-15 metres and not with any accuracy.

If you are at risk of drowning more than 15 metres away from land, then a life buoy, or throwbag is probably of no use.
The B.E.L.L. is designed to be thrown overarm whereas a throwbag and lifebuoy are designed to be lobbed underarm.
In a rescue at Niagara Falls, the B.E.L.L. was used as the life line to make contact with troubled students whose barrel had broken.
Without the B.E.L.L, the two students would have drowned.
The Balcan Emergency Life Line -B.E.L.L. is designed & manufactured in the UK by Balcan Engineering.
Balcan’s commitment to local design and production underscores the product’s reliability and quality, contributing to its trusted performance worldwide
How is the B.E.L.L. used?
To use the Balcan Emergency Life Line (B.E.L.L.), remove the blue cap & hold the grip. Pull out about a metre of line. Throw the capsule overarm, or underarm towards and past the victim who either grabs the capsule or the line whilst being pulled to safety.
The breaking strength of the emergency rescue line is a minimum 118kgs and dependant on model contains either 25 or 40 metres of buoyant line.
An additional option for the B.E.L.L. is the 56cm long FLIKSTIK which is used to hurl the capsule further than can sometimes be achieved by throwing. It also allows the B.E.L.L. to be hurled over roofs and onto ledges over 10m high.
In use, one end of the FLIKSTIK is pushed firmly into the mouth of the stock of the capsule, which is then hurled off with an easy overarm flicking action from back to front.

B.E.L.L. Applications
The B.E.L.L is useful for everyone responsible for others, such as Lifeguards and teachers. Being compact it can be included in all lifesaving kits. Used with its own webbing molle belt attachment, the B.E.L.L. is ideal for carrying by anyone, ensuring there is a rescue line readily available for throwing wherever an emergency occurs.
Its lightweight design and FLIKSTIK compatibility means anyone can achieve excellent distance with the B.E.L.L. . In many water emergencies, the device may well prove to be the best chance of succeeding in a rescue. Unlike a lifebuoy or throwbag, if you can’t reach the person, you can’t rescue them.
While Balcan recommends you STOP, THROW, DON’T GO when assisting a rescue, there may be instances where it is necessary to enter the water. In such cases, the B.E.L.L. can be attached to the rescuer to provide a LIFE LINE back to shore.
Ice & Mud Rescue
Sadly, every year we hear of terrible accidents involving children who play on ice, or dog owners who go in to freezing water to rescue their pet. Whilst time is always a critical factor in any emergency, the freezing water adds to the urgency. Fortunately, the B.E.L.L. is ideal for skimming across ice directly to a victim, or thrown as above, providing a LIFE LINE back to shore that will give a higher chance of a rescue for everyone.
In an event where a person becomes stranded in mud a B.E.L.L. device can be thrown. Once direct contact has been made, it is much easier to work out a rescue strategy.
Family Use
With any outdoor activity, on or near water, a Balcan Emergency Life Line can help ensure that if an emergency occurs, the most versatile lifesaving equipment is readily available. Its compact design means it can be carried in a pocket or picnic basket as easily as any sports bag. Supplied with its own clip, the B.E.L.L. can also be fitted into the family car or boat to be nearby if needed.
If you wish to view our range of Balcan Emergency Life Line products, visit our shop by using the button below. For any further information, please contact Balcan directly.