Balcan Lamp & LED Recycling Service
National coverage with safe, regular. reliable and efficient service.

Our Lamp & LED Recycling Service
- National coverage with safe, regular, reliable and efficient service.
- LED and Light Bulb recycling for all types, shapes and sizes
- You will NOT be tied into a contract. We will only empty containers when you decide and you won’t be charged for unnecessary visits.
- Options for the supply of safe, specially designed on-site lamp storage containers.
- An ISO9001: 2015 registered company
- Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes issued for every job to ensure 100% traceability of your waste.
- When using Balcan directly all powder is sent fro retort to reclaim the mercury. Not all complaince schemes require this and some require it be sent to landfill.
Get in touch with us here to get started

Useful links
Managing Your Waste Lamps
Why choose Balcan Lamp Recycling?
Carbon Footprint
Our Equipment
Types of Lamps for Recycling
Balcan Lamp Storage Options
Balcan Lamp & LED Recycling Service
Balcan Licences
Balcan Licences
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