VC8000 High Capacity Vial Crusher

Balcon Vial Crushers

VC8000 High Capacity Vial Crusher

The Balcan VC8000 vial crusher is the Balcan’s high capacity unit. Straying away from the pneumatically operated system balcan has favoured for many years, the VC8000 comes with ATEX (sparkproof) motor to ensure high levels of safety when crushing vials containing volatile or flammable liquids.

Operated by contra rotating rollers it is infinitely adjustable and vials down to 2ml (1ml depending on diameter) are easily crushed. Caps, bungs and enclosures are no problem for the crusher.

Crushed product drops onto a vibrating mesh where 99% of the liquids drop through into a suitable drum beneath. Glass and solid product are collected at the end in drum.

The VC8000 fabriated trhoughout of stainless steel making it extremily resistant to corrosion. A fine water spray can be used to help control aerosols as well as dilute and flush the liquids through the screen.

A stack vent pipe also allows the unit to be connected to a suitable extractor to prevent vapour build up.

Ths unit is ideal for waste management companies or companies generating large volumes of waste vials.

Useful links

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