Mini DESTRUCTOR for Hypodermic Needles and Syringes

Balcan Mini Needle DESTRUCTOR
Until Balcan DESTRUCTORS were introduced in 1994, all other ‘defangers’ only damaged the needle and left syringes infected and readily available for reuse. In contrast, our DESTRUCTORS were specifically designed to destroy both the needle and syringe in one easy action.
The devices work by cutting the nib from the syringe with the same action as the needle from its hub, leaving the useless syringe for disposal as a ‘non sharp’. The lidded reusable pot underneath accepts the debris of approximately 250 green hubbed needles or their equivalent. Fabricated throughout of stainless steel, the DESTRUCTOR is robust and simple to use, dismantle and clean.
Manually operated they can be used by anyone, anywhere without the recognised problems of electrical and battery operated devices!
Recognising its unique features, authorities have endorsed the DESTRUCTOR’s design as the most effective and suitable for their specific needs, on which their requirements are now based. In fact, our devices stand as the only “defangers” listed in the WHO-UNICEF Product Information Sheets.
As a result, WHO, UNICEF, PATH, USAID, INDIAN GOVERNMENT, and many others have received several thousand destructors in the past year.
Please contact us here for more information
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Hypodermic Needle DESTRUCTORS