Lamp Recycling Services
Balcan’s range of lamp Recycling services, storage & equipment allows us to offer you the complete lamp recycling service. Our services accept all types of lamps, including both whole and crushed lamps.

Lamp Recycling Equipment
Balcan Lamp Recycling equipment is designed & manufactured for lamp recyclers, by a lamp recycler. Recycle all types of lamps including the latest LED technology and electronics.

Balcan Lighting Supplies
Balcan Lighting is a leading supplier of General Lamps, LED, Retro Fit Solutions, Fluorescent Tubes, CFL Non-Integrated, Luminaire Fittings, HID and control Gear since 2009.

Balcan Emergency Life Line B.E.L.L.
Balcan Emergency Life Line is the supreme water rescue emergency throwing line. Capable of reaching distances of up to 40 metres, it outperforms all others.

The World’s First LED Recycler
Introducing the revolutionary Balcan LED1000, the world’s first true LED lamp recycler. Capable of generating more positive high value fractions to help your business innovate and grow.

Vial Crushers
The original vial crusher. Used throughout the world to help improve disposal solutions & safely dispose of liquids and waste.

Businesses require a professional approach to lamp recycling
Founded in 1972, Balcan Engineering Ltd has always been ahead of the times with its designs and innovations. Balcan’s vial crushers helped them design the world’s first commercial lamp crusher. In turn this has helped them to become a world leader in the supply of lamp recycling equipment. At home Balcan’s expertise in waste lamp management that has helped it become the UK’s largest lamp recycler.

B.E.L.L Balcan Emergency Life Line
The highly acclaimed B.E.L.L. – Balcan Emergency Life Line is the ultimate life line for water rescues. Capable of being thrown up to 40 metres, it outperforms all other manually thrown water rescue devices. Used extensively by the emergency services and The Royal Navy, everyone should keep a B.E.L.L. nearby.
Balcan Emergency Life Line – B.E.L.L.
Introducing the highly acclaimed B.E.L.L. (Balcan Emergency Life Line) – the ultimate lifeline for water rescues. Capable of being thrown up to 40 metres, it outperforms all other manually thrown water rescue devices. Extensively used by emergency services and The Royal Navy, the B.E.L.L. is an essential tool that everyone should keep nearby.

Whether you are looking for a lamp crusher, lamp recycling equipment, lamp storage, or even if you just have lamps that need recycling Balcan can help. In addition their Balcan Lighting Supplies department can provide you with the latest energy efficient LED lighting.